Hospitality & Tourism
Our mission is to provide educational learning experiences for students who may be interested in the hospitality and tourism industry.
❏ The Academy of Hospitality and Tourism offers and exciting career and destination-exploring curriculum for students interested in the world beyond a desk and four walls. AOH&T students, with their classmates, have visited exciting destinations such as New York City, Chicago, Niagara Falls, Canada, and Washington, D.C., to enhance their educational experience. Introduction to all aspects of the industry, highly sought-after Soft Skills, and courses geared toward both operational and theoretical management round out the curriculum choices.
Special Graduation Recognition
❏ AOH&T students who complete and pass all required courses and complete an internship, will earn an orange honor cord and a pineapple (symbol of H&T) honor pin to be worn with their gown at graduation. In addition, students will receive a Certificate of Completion from the National Academy Foundation, recognized by members of the National Academy Network of hospitality businesses.
This course will acquaint the students with various business aspects associated with the hospitality and tourism industry. The topics will include the business of tourism, the economics and the impact of tourism, the business market, and career explorations. Students will also receive ‘Strategies for Success’ to prepare them for post-secondary education and/or the job market, to develop their interpersonal skills, and to guide them in their career development. Numerous opportunities will be provided for students to experience a hands-on learning approach as well as opportunities to apply their acquired business skills. Consistent attendance is mandatory. This course is a prerequisite for Sports, Events, and Entertainment Management.
Management skills applicable to real-world situations will be presented with an emphasis on sports, events, and entertainment planning. Students will be introduced to event planning and facility and event management through a virtual simulation program. ‘Strategies for Success’ concepts will include resume writing, interview skills, and soft skills. Enrichment will be provided through relevant field trips and guest speakers. Concepts taught in this course parallel management concepts taught in many first-year college courses. Consistent attendance is mandatory as many lessons cannot be repeated or retaught. This course is a prerequisite for 663 Resorts Management and Operation.
Unit 1 will provide an overview of the infrastructure of the hospitality industry including an in-depth study of departments and related careers with in the lodging industry. Unit 2 will explore resort management and operation based on three areas: (1) The relationship between the natural resource base and the recreational facilities developed from that base; (2) The features unique to a resort as compared to a traditional hotel; and (3) Guest activity programming. Students will be required to write essays based on research and information in the text, to work in groups, and to complete individual and group projects throughout the year. Enrichment will be provided through relevant field trips and guest speakers. Consistent attendance is mandatory as many lessons cannot be repeated or retaught.